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Superman in "The Baffles Puzzle."
Species Kryptonian
Gender Male
Member of Super Friends
Affiliation Mystery Incorporated
Occupation Superhero
Works for Daily Planet
Father Jor-El
Adoptive father, Jonathan Kent
Mother Lara
Adoptive mother, Martha Kent
Cousin(s) One, Supergirl
Marital status Husband to Lois Lane in Super Sons/Dynomutt and the Blue Falcon Special
Children One son, Jon Kent, in Super Sons/Dynomutt and the Blue Falcon Special
First appearance SF: "The Power Pirate" (1973)
Nolan North (2023)
Played by Danny Dark
Clark Kent.png
Superman as Clark.
TSPT Superman.png
The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians

Superman is a Kryptonian superhero and one of the main characters of the Super Friends animated franchise. His voice was originated by Danny Dark. Having been born on the planet Krypton, he was named Kal-El, but was quickly sent to Earth before it exploded, where he was found and adopted by two elderly humans who named him Clark Kent. He grew up to live a double life as the protector of the city of Metropolis and a reporter for the Daily Planet.

Character description


  • Kryptonian physiology: While Superman may look human, his alien makeup differs significantly from that of any Earthling, allowing him to use all of his abilities.
    • Solar radiation absorption: Superman's physiology is absorbed by the solar radiation of Earth's yellow sun, and as such, gains the ability to use his powers.
    • Superhuman strength: Superman possesses a vast amount of strength compared to most people. How much of that power is used varies by how he is portrayed on-screen.
    • Invulnerability: Bullets or any physical actions with brute force have no effect on Superman, as he is nigh-invulnerable to them. This also extends to his protection against toxins and diseases.
    • Superhuman stamina: Superman is able to maintain strenuous physical action for a long period of time. Despite this, it is limited by physiological and psychological needs such as eating, drinking, and sleeping.
    • Superhuman speed: Superman's reflexes can move at incredible speed by sheer force of will. This extends to perceptions and allows for feats such as catching bullets in mid-flight, as well as covering vast distances in little or no time.
    • Flight: Superman is capable of defying gravity by flying through the atmosphere and beyond.
    • Heightened senses: Superman has heightened senses such as smelling, hearing, and sight. They are sensitive enough to pick at rates much higher than an average human.
    • Enhanced vision: Sometimes called "Superhuman Vision", or "Super Vision", Superman processes the entire electromagnetic spectrum as well as allowing vast control over selective perception and focus.
      • Heat vision: Superman can fire beams of intense heat simply by looking at a target.
      • X-Ray vision: Superman can see through virtually any object, with the exception of lead, or anything made out of that material.
      • Telescopic vision: This ability grants Superman access to look at things at a greater distance.
      • Microscopic vision: Superman can see objects at the microscopic level, right down to at an atomic level.
      • Infrared Vision: Superman can see with better acuity in darkness, and to a degree in total darkness.
    • Super Breath: Superman's lungs are incredibly powerful, and can expel vastly strong winds by exhaling air. He can also chill the air as it leaves his lungs to freeze targets.
    • Superhuman Vocals: With precise muscle control, Superman can amplify his own voice as if speaking through a microphone.


  • Kryptonite: Although Superman is invulnerable to nearly everything, Kryptonite is the one substance that can weaken him.
  • Magic: Various forms of magic can negatively affect Superman. Since it is as powerful or more powerful than he is, it can also hurt him.
  • Red solar energy: If Superman were to travel anywhere with a red sun, he will lose his powers, and therefore will just be as venerable as a regular human.
  • Lead: As mentioned above, Superman's x-ray vision is incapable of allowing him to see through this metal.


TV series




Video games


Past life

Superman was originally Kal-El, the son of Jor-El from the planet Krypton. Jor-El warned his fellow scientists that Krypton will explode in its final moment. Although his calculations were scoffed at by the elites around him, he used that knowledge to build a rocket ship for his newly-born son. He and his wife Lara sent their son's ship to Earth, where it managed to escape from the dying planet.[1][2] When the ship landed on an empty field, the infant Kal-El was taken by Jonathan and Martha Kent. Discovering that the baby was unhurt, the kindly couple hid his ship and took him to an orphanage, where he was soon adopted as Clark Kent.[2]

Now part of the Kent family, Clark was raised in the idyllic town of Smallville, where he slowly became aware of his abilities and heritage growing up. When he was a teen, he created the superhero mantle of Superboy, which would later transition into Superman by the time he reached adulthood. He briefly became a friend to a young Lex Luthor, who had once admired him and at one point wanted to create an antidote to Superboy's Kryptonite weakness. After a minor accident caused Luthor to lose his hair, he vowed revenge on Superboy and became his arch-nemesis.[3]

Later into adulthood, Clark left his hometown to pursue a career in Metropolis City. He was then hired as a reporter at the Daily Planet by editor and chief, Perry White. While working there, he also met up with Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen; both of whom became his closest allies. When not as the mild-mannered reporter, Clark uses his Superman identity to help out Metropolis' citizens — and the entire world — in the name of truth and justice.

Joining the Super Friends

Disappearance of the Super Friends Justice League

Superman in the Funny Books



Main article: Superman/Gallery

Behind the scenes

In popular culture

Main article: Family Guy


  1. ^ Super Friends: "The Planet Splitter", episode 15 (1973).
  2. ^ a b Challenge of the Superfriends: "Secret Origins of the Super Friends", episode 8B (1978).
  3. ^ Challenge of the Superfriends: "History of Doom", episode 16A (1978).