The Super Friends is an American comic book series by DC Comics who published 47 issues from 1976 to 1981. It is based on the Super Friends television series, which aired on ABC's Saturday morning block in 1973.
Publish date
Issue #1
- "The Fury of the Super Foes"
August 26, 1976
Issue #2
- "Trapped by the Super Foes"
September 23, 1976
Issue #3
November 18, 1976
Issue #4
January 20, 1977
Issue #5
March 22, 1977
Issue #6
- "The Menace of the Menagerie Man!"
May 24, 1977
Issue #7
- "The Warning of the Wondertwins"
July 12, 1977
Issue #8
August 17, 1977
Issue #9
- "Three Ways to Kill a World!"
September 13, 1977
Issue #10
November 15, 1977
Issue #11
January 10, 1978
Issue #12
March 21, 1978
Issue #13
May 23, 1978
Issue #14
July 18, 1978
Issue #15
- "The Overlord Goes Under!"
September 26, 1978
Issue #16
- "The People Who Stole the Sky!"
October 24, 1978
Issue #17
November 21, 1978
Issue #18
December 26, 1978
Issue #19
- "The Mystery of the Missing Monkey!"
January 23, 1979
Issue #20
- "Revenge of the Leafy Monsters!"
February 27, 1979
Issue #21
- "Battle Against the Super Fiends!"
March 20, 1979
Issue #22
April 24, 1979
Issue #23
May 22, 1979
Issue #24
- "Past, Present, and Danger!"
June 19, 1979
Issue #25
- "Puppets of the Overlord!"
July 17, 1979
Issue #26
- "The Wondertwins' Battle of Wits!"
August 21, 1979
Issue #27
- "The Spacemen Who Stole Atlantis!"
September 25, 1979
Issue #28
October 23, 1979
Issue #29
- "Invisible Defenders of Earth!"
November 20, 1979
Issue #30
- "Gorilla Warfare Against the Humans!"
December 18, 1979
Issue #31
January 22, 1980
Issue #32
- "The Scarecrow Fights with Fear!"
February 26, 1980
Issue #33
- "The Secret of the Stolen Solitaire!"
March 25, 1980
Issue #34
- "The Creature That Slept a Million Years!"
April 22, 1980
Issue #35
- "Circus of the Super-Stars"
May 27, 1980
Issue #36
- "Warhead Strikes at Gotham"
June 25, 1980
Issue #37
- "Bad Weather for Supergirl!"
July 1980
Issue #38
- "The Fate of the Phantom Super Friends!"
August 1980
Issue #39
- "The "Future" Son of Overlord!"
September, 1980
Issue #40
- "Menace of the Mixed-Up Senses!"
October 1980
Issue #41
- "The Toyman's Tricky Thefts!"
November 1980
Issue #42
- "How Green Was My Gotham!"
December 1981
Issue #43
January 1981
Issue #44
- "Peril of the Forgotten Identities!"
February 1981
Issue #45
- "The Man Who Collected Villains!"
March, 1981
Issue #46
- "The Conquerer's Greatest Conquest!"
April 1981
Issue #47
- "The Demons from the Green Hell!"
March 27, 1981