Jellystone Park

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This article is about the park. For other uses, see Jellystone.
Jellystone Park

Please drive carefully and don't feed the bears.
Planet Earth
Continent North America
Country United States
First appearance YB: "Yogi Bear's Big Break" (1958)

Yogi Bear

Jellystone Park, occasionally known as Jellystone National Park, is the main location in the Yogi Bear animated franchise.

The park is protected by park rangers led by Ranger Smith. Bears are the most prominent animals to be seen at the park, which include Yogi, Boo Boo, and Cindy.

It's in the general direction of the Rocky Mountains.[1]


TV series




  • American Cancer Society commercial
  • D.A.R.E. Bear Yogi
  • American Melanoma Foundation commercial
  • Rocket Mortgage commercial
  • Geico commercial



Video games


Debut Series


In the early Yogi Bear segments, Jellystone Park wasn't established as the focal point of Yogi's misadventures, so he would occasionally venture out into the woods that didn't seem to be in Jellystone Park.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Hanna-Barbera retconned the park as being part of a town called Jellystone.

Behind the scenes

In popular culture

Main article: List of pop culture references to Yogi Bear
  • In the Duckman: Private Duck/Family Man episode "I, Duckman," a home movie reel depicts a young Duckman and his father in the same apparel as Boo Boo and Yogi, respectively, while visiting Jellyroll Park for one last camping trip together before Duckman goes to college, which makes Mr. Duckman (voiced by Joe Alaskey doing an impression of Yogi) very proud of his son in being "better than the average duck." This is when he finds out his son has no intention to attend college, which Mr. Duckman tell him that would be a "big boo boo," and chases him in one continuous loop with frantic music in the same manner Ranger Smith would chase Yogi. Ranger Smith is also parodied with a dog dressed like park ranger, who Mr. Duckman affectionately refers to as Mr. Ranger when he asks him where they can put their pic-a-nic basket.
  • In The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air episode "72 Hours," when Will warns Carlton against going to MacArthur Park, Carlton assures him that he'll inform the park rangers if something happens, to which Will replies, "It's not that kind of park, Boo Boo!"
  • In "Episode Two" (series two) of the Dead Ringers radio sketch program, Nick Russ presents Cartoon Crimewatch that reports the theft of a picnic basket on Easter Sunday, providing a reenactment of the crime with Yogi ordering Boo Boo to provide a distraction so Yogi can steal the picnic basket, but his plan is foiled by the appearance of Ranger Smith. Russ ponders if Boo Boo is a friend or accomplice, and notes that Yogi is distinguished by a "trilby hat." He asks viewers to call if they have any knowledge.
