Tom and Jerry: Blast Off to Mars (film)

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For other uses, see Tom and Jerry: Blast Off to Mars.
Tom and Jerry: Blast Off to Mars

Production company Warner Bros. Animation
Distributor Warner Home Video
Release date January 18, 2005
Starring Bill Kopp
Brad Garrett
Jeff Bennett
Billy West
Jess Harnell
Kathryn Fiore
Tom Kenny
Executive producer(s) Sander Schwartz
Joseph Barbera
Producer(s) Tom Minton
Music composed by Steve Bernstein and Julie Bernstein
Screenplay by Bill Kopp
Director(s) Bill Kopp
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Title card
Second title card

Tom and Jerry: Blast Off to Mars is an American animated comic science fiction adventure direct-to-video film based on the Tom and Jerry theatrical shorts directed by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera at MGM. It was released by Warner Home Video through the Warner Bros. Family Entertainment label on January 18, 2005. It was written and directed by Bill Kopp. The film is the second in the Tom and Jerry direct-to-video film series.

Tom and Jerry both accidentally board a shuttle heading for Mars, where they anger the Martian population, igniting a full-scale invasion on Earth.

Detailed summary

Memorable quotes


Character debut Speaking debut Ep. debut No lines Mentioned

In order of appearance:

Character Actor
Jerry Mouse N/A
Tom Cat Bill Kopp
Spike Frank Welker
Gardener #1 Tom Kenny
Gardener #2 Billy West
Commander Bristle Brad Garrett
Professor Gluckman Jeff Glen Bennett
Press guy #1 Bill Kopp
Major Buzz Blister Jess Harnell
Major Biff Buzzard Billy West
Commander Bristle's mother
Worker #1 Rob Paulsen
Earl, worker #2 Rob Paulsen
Worker #3 Jess Harnell
Computer Rob Paulsen
Peep Kathryn Fiore
Ubu Frank Welker
Grob Tom Kenny
Martian guard #1 Jeff Glen Bennett
Martian guard #2 Tom Kenny
Pootsnarful Unavailable
Eyes at gate Corey Burton
Court attendant Corey Burton
King Thingg Billy West
Martian guard #3 Brad Garrett
Ted N/A
Martian scientist Corey Burton
Martian general Jess Harnell
Press girl Kathryn Fiore
Press guy #2 Unavailable
President of the United States Jeff Glen Bennett


  • Space program




  • Blister and Buzzard's rocket
  • Lunar rover
  • Martian saucers



In a behind-the-scenes featurette on the DVD, Bill Kopp said he had written the film two years before its release.


The film was copyrighted in 2004.


The music was composed by the husband and wife team, Steve and Julie Bernstein.

  1. "Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush" - Jerry runs across the full sink, and Tom trifles through the washing machine
  2. "She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain" - Jerry uses the fan's handle, Tom loses his balance on his rocket
  3. "Fountain in the Park" - gardeners working, and the beginning and end of Tom and Jerry destroying their work
  4. "Jingle Bells" - Jerry knocks sand on Tom's head, which forms a sandcastle
  5. "Pop Goes the Weasel" - Commander Bristle picks out Tom after impacting the top of his head
  6. "Waltz of the Flowers" - when gravity is first turned off
  7. "Three Blind Mice" - Tom tries to whack Jerry, who's hiding the craters
  8. "Aloha 'Oe" - Jerry relaxing in makeshift kiddie pool
  9. "Der Deitcher's Dog" - Jerry, Peep, and Tom watch Spike climb, attack the Invince-a-tron, and successfully go back to his doghouse with his bone


Dates are in order of release:

  • United States: January 18, 2005 on VHS and DVD; October 16, 2012 on Blu-ray Disc

Behind the scenes

  • Spike is brown, instead of gray.
  • The International Space Place is a non-committal parody of NASA.
  • The names of Buzz Blister and Biff Buzzard are references to real-life astronaut Buzz Aldrin.
  • Commander Bristle is caught watching the opening theme music to The Jetsons.
  • The first martian guard's voice is an imitation of Don Knotts.
  • The President is a parody of Arnold Schwarzenegger.


  • As worker #3 spots Jerry, his nose becomes highlighted in red.

Marketing and promotion

Critical reception

In other languages

Language Name Meaning

Home availability

