The Jetstones

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The Jetstones was a story animator John K. tried to sell to Hanna-Barbera in the 1980s, which combined The Flintstones and The Jetsons. It was about the future of cavemen, but it was rejected on the basis that "People can't ride rockets made of rock".[1]

While John K. was working for Ralph Bakshi on Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures, he tasked John K. and other writers to write non-Mighty Mouse cartoons between the first and second seasons, with John K. writing a short idea for The Jetstones. John K. had left when the second season officially began, but his idea was used in an episode called "Don't Touch That Dial."[1] It aired on October 8, 1988 on CBS. It was released on DVD by CBS Home Entertainment on January 5, 2010. Shock Records also released a set in Australia.

In "Don't Touch That Dial," Mighty Mouse is transported to the world of The Jetstones with a prehistoric twist. Throughout the segment a parody of the theme song plays that introduces each character, beginning with Al Jetstone, an ugly, fat guy dressed similarly to George Jetson and riding a flying saucer made of rock, who crashes outside his home on a patch of floating land, which is reminiscent of Bedrock. He is called TV's second favorite cartoon star, presumably as an in-joke to Fred Flintstone being considered its first. Al is greeted by Stella, a parody of Wilma, who runs out of the house to give him a turkey, which shoots straight into his mouth and knocks him into the land below where his neighbor, Buddy Dribble, lives, who resembles a more idiotic version of Barney Rubble. Buddy is married to Gerry, who runs on a rock-like treadmill with her cousin Mikey chasing her from behind as if he is attracted to her. Al's pet amoeba, Proto then similarly chases him in the way George is chased by Astro or Fred is chased by Dino. It concludes with Proto absorbing Al, who shouts for Stella to get him out the same way George would shout for Jane to get him off the out of control treadmill he gets stuck on.
