Talk:Hokey Dokey

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Revision as of 23:11, 23 April 2021 by MisterJames (talk | contribs)
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Hokey basically fakes being an Insurance man (or wolf) to fool the three pigs, who of which thought they murdered the Big Bad Wolf, of course Hokey also thought that he was murdered by accident. I would find it weird that the three pigs never actually read their own story book to know that the Big Bad Wolf was still alive. -- Snoopy The Dog (talk) 18:05, 23 April 2021 (UTC)

It's weird how these fairy tales are already known yet somehow constantly replaying in the present. -- MisterJames (talk) 21:37, 23 April 2021 (UTC)
It's also weird how they exist in the same universe as the fairytale stories, I never actually understood that and also never understood how Huck, Augie and Daddy, Hokey and Ding somehow ended up in far past times in some shorts of theirs, I mean I get how Peter Potamus did that (his magical flying air balloon, which allows him to time travel), but the latter characters act like they actually live in those times, so I don't think they used time travel. -- Snoopy The Dog (talk) 22:22, 23 April 2021 (UTC)
The same thing happened with Tom and Jerry. It still does. -- MisterJames (talk) 23:11, 23 April 2021 (UTC)