The War Between the Sexes

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The War of the Sexes was a daytime talk show Hanna-Barbera co-founder and director Joseph Barbera wanted to pitch to the ABC daytime executives, Marshall Karp and Chuck Jones, and his intended hosts Zsa Zsa Gabor and Pamela Mason, while they had lunch at his home, presumably in the 1960s. The idea was that each week, Gabor and Mason would serve as the main female hosts on one side of the table and engage in banter with a pair of "hapless" celebrity male guests on the other side. Unfortunately, before Barbera even got to bring it up Gabor and Mason got into a fight of their own after Gabor made an offhanded disparaging remark about Mason's former husband, James Mason, and although they did make up due to the intervention of Barbera's wife, Sheila, Barbera saw little point of bringing it up.[1]
